Ninfeta Ore no Bikini Armor no Naka ga Hen desu! – Original Pool

Brittany pursed her lips, “You’re in no place to-”

“What is it?” Katie asked, cutting off her sister and shooting her a glance. ” Brittany smirked stepping forward, enjoying his helplessness as she leaned in and removed his gag, she was confident that he wasn’t going to scream, if anything just because of his fear of the two of them.

But at that moment Brittany and James weren’t paying her much attention, each lost in each others gaze as Brit began to pick up the pace, James feeling shy, uncertain in most things, but assured in the fact that it felt good and he wanted to see it through, his lust and wine hazed mind heeding no thoughts of dissent, choosing to enjoy what he could while he could.

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