Gang Okinami Kekkon Kakko Kyousei | Okinami’s Forced Marriage – Kantai collection Wet

I try to jerk away from him but only succeeded in hurting myself.

Tyler sit’s me down next to the sink he place’s my hand in it carefully, runs some cold water over my now cut and bleeding finger’s and walks towards his bedroom without saying a single word to me, tears roll down my cheeks as I realize what it goes to happen to me and that I am never going to get out of her, just as low sob escapes my mouth

Tyler walks back into the room, he sits down across from me and holds open a shirt big enough to be a dress on me, I look at him for a second and then allow him to help me into the shirt, my eyes drop to the floor he tries to look into my eyes for a second and gets up he gets some bandages from a cupboard above the sink sits back down

He turns the tap off and pulls my injured hand into his and starts to bandage it up, my eyes haven’t left the floor as I try to figure out what he is doing, and he interrupts my thoughts

You’re the first one to do that y

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