Fuck Myoukou-san to Issho ni Dekiru Ichiban Kimochi no Ii Sex no Hon – Kantai collection Huge

Then one day a tragic accident happened leaving the man vulnerable
The snake raised it’s head up and bit the man

The snake laid in wait for the pain to to take him away
But once again the comfortably numb returned to this day
The struggle of life and death the comfortably numb couldn’t delay. Comfortably Numb

Throughout my life I have chased the comfortably numb
When times were hard I found the comfort in being comfortably numb
When people asked how I was doing, it was the comfortably numb that let me say ok

Then the pain succumbed to the comfortably numb
The pain returned time and time again only to fall to the comfortably numb
The mind weakened by a life of pain shored up by the comfortably numb

The numb became weaker and weaker until it wasn’t comfortably numb anymore
Lifes’ up and downs began to drown the man, the pain filled his lungs
The comfortably numb stared in disbelief as the pain took over

For the comfortably numb couldn’t ea

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