What could go wrong?
She had found the toilet block easily enough but she didn’t like the look of it, the mens half appeared to be gleaming and clean from what she could see but the womens half was dirty and run down.
“it’s not right, slaves have no business being in a shop, they’re not allowed to buy anything anyway so they get tied up at the rail now just like a dog. The jobs that did pay a girl a wage paid a pittance and Tracey could afford the rent and some basic food and clothes and nothing else, every penny had to be counted and that’s why she could only afford to live in such a grotty place with an even grottier landlord!
She tried to keep her distance from Mr Chambers but he insisted that each of the free girls paid his rent in cash at his door and so once a week she had to climb the six staircases to his door and then put up with his crude and lewd remarks while she paid him.