Assfingering Sustain – Super sonico Home

One of us had to say something it seemed like a minute but as I went to ask who she was she interrupted with I’ll take that as a compliment. She had a nice tan body, the kind every guy in high school wanted that cheerleader look that u would literally die for. She then rolled over putting her arm around me whispering in a sort of panting breath that she was glad I was home and jacking off when she came, at this moment I got a smell of her perfume which smelled like a mix of strawberries and flowers, it was glorious and I knew I would never forget this as I responded with,” so did I ” and a little chuckle she chuckled a little too and we laid there cuddled next to each other I pulled my comforter over us to keep us warm from the sealing fan blowing air on are sweating bodies.

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